Monday, February 10, 2014

This needs to be said over and over about ObamaCare

A letter to the editor of the Roanoke Times that I submitted this afternoon.

An important point on the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) and “Federal” subsidies:

Terry McAuliffe campaigned on expanding Medicaid, because it was being funded by the “Federal” government, not the State.  It’s free money!  Democrats, upon the revelation that work force participation would decline by 2.3 million due to ObamaCare, want us to celebrate that workers can now be liberated from a job they don’t like.  They will be able to reduce their hours or just stay home and pursue their passion, because they will be eligible for “federal” subsidies to pay for their health insurance.  Again, free money!

Medicaid expansion will be paid for by federal taxpayers, not free money from the federal government.  And those who feel liberated from a job they don’t like will be able to do so only because the rest of us are chipping in with our federal tax dollars to pay for their insurance.

There is no free lunch.  There is no free health insurance.  Someone has to pay.  In this case it will be those who believe we should be responsible for our choices in life – to get married, to have children – and work to pay for them ourselves.  

Wake up, America!

This is something that has been bugging me for a long time.  No one - not even Fox News - gives this the emphasis it deserves.  No one should ever say something will be paid with "Federal subsidies,"    but instead say it will be paid with "Federal taxpayer dollars."  Big difference in how it is perceived by the casual listener.

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