Saturday, October 24, 2015

Facts About Hillary


A Swedish company negotiating telecommunications deals with Iran was never blacklisted by our State Department, despite warnings from career diplomats in Stockholm that our sanctions against Iran were being undercut.  By the time Hillary left State in 2013, Bill had collected an unprecedented $750,000 for making a speech to the Swedish investment bank connected to the Iran deal and the Clinton Foundation's Swedish fundraising arm had collected $26 Million in contributions, largely from Swedish government sources, obviously with a huge interest in the Iran deal.

Hillary's State Department signed off on a deal allowing the Russians to acquire one of the world's largest uranium producers and ultimately one fifth of U.S. uranium production.  Shortly after the Russians announced their intent to acquire a major stake in Uranium One, Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with close ties to the Kremlin and promoter of Uranium One stock.  Money continued to flow into the Clinton Foundation while transactions were being completed.


So we now know that then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's State Department received over 600 requests for increased security in Benghazi , yet she knew nothing about it...or so she says.*

We know, too, that the night of the attack, she emailed Chelsea that the attack was by an Al-Quaeda like terrorist organization.  She then repeated the story to the Libyans and to the Egyptians, yet maintained to we, the people, AND the parents of the four slaughtered Americans that it was a spontaneous attack inspired by a You Tube video.  "I promise you, we will get the guy who made that video."*

*Source:  Benghazi Hearing Documents

A close aid, Huma Abadin (Mrs. Anthony Weiner) was allowed to work at another job for additional income ($250,000?) while being paid for full-time State Department work.  And on and on and on... It's like whatever governmental or other agency Hillary and Bill work in is their own little sandbox. They play by their rules and no one else's.  (Remember when they left the White House they took the china?)  Any Republican would be in jail for a smidgen of their transgressions; not a candidate for President of the United States.

What will we do if we let our quest for perfection allow her to be elected our next president?  We will be doomed.

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